Wednesday 27 February 2013


This is a transcript of Pip Marsden and what he said he would like from a music magazine. I asked Pip because he is a teenage boy who would read a music magazine fairly regularly, this is what he said:

"In a magazine I would like lots of different images and variations in the shots used. Different shots used should include long shots, close ups, high and low angles,  etc. Different images being used are key. Using different images on a page are good because people like variation and if there are too many pictures on a page that are the same the reader wont find the page as interesting and so would be less interested in reading the article on the page. Another way to make the reader want to read that page is to make it eye cathcing. Bold titles, catchy pictures and extra features on a page that catch the readers attention are great because it makes the reader interested in what the page is about. Then there must be an interesting article. It must be interesting right from the begining. This is because if the first part of the article is really boring and dull then the reader isn't going to want to carry on reading if they feel it is going to be the same. One final feature that I like in a magazine is a title that then fits the theme with the rest of the double page spread. I like it when there is a house style as it links different parts of the page together"

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