Wednesday 27 February 2013

So far.....

What I have already done- ensuring my time is used effectively.

So far for our music magazine I have:
- The preliminary task - This was the school magazine where we started to learn how to use InDesign and we got a feel for how to make a magazine.
- Evaluation - I then evaluated this task and said what I liked and disliked about the cover we made which should then give me some ideas of what to add/how to make the final magazine.
- Format Research - This was where I evaluated 3 front covers, double page spreads and contents pages. These gave me plenty of ideas of what to have in my final product but also how to lay out some of the pages so they aren't all sqaure on.
- Evaluation of Format Research - This was where I took pictures of different features from a variety of magazines and said what I like about it. This gave me more ideas of features to add to my magazine.
- Photoshoot - I have done one photoshoot and got quite a few good photos, but I may do another one as some of the pictures are very similar and some of them the model looks like they are in sixth form clothes so I would take more photos outside of school so that I could choose much better costume.

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