Sunday 10 February 2013

Magazine Features

This corner is good because it shows that this magazine is using social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to promote their magazine as well as other things like extra stories, posting videos and pictures, etc. This will attract the readers attention because the blue box is a completely different color to the rest of the page. The words 'JOIN US ON' also attract the readers to the blue box because they want to know how else they can join the magazine even when they are on the go by using these social sites on devices such as their phones. 

This title is good because the two parts of the word are in different colors, meaning they are read as two separate words even though the reader knows its one word. Also because it is in the middle of the double page spread it shows that it is the title for the contents of both pages. 

These circular pictures are good because they are different to what you would normally see in the magazine and attract the readers to the pages that the pictures are relevant too. This sort of thing may be good in my magazine as it will make it look more proffesional. 

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