Saturday 26 January 2013


There are some of the pictures I took for our magazine cover. We have used a few shots such as a low shot, close up and over the shoulder. Together they show different perspectives. The low shot emphasizes the sixth former working at his computer and how much he is concentrating on the work he is doing. The close up focuses on the book the boy is reading and also how much he is also concentrating on it. The over the shoulder shots make the reader feel as if they are in the position of the person in the picture because they can see what he is either reading or what he is doing on his computer. The effect of the first 2 pictures are it makes it look like the students work and focus very hard on their work. It doesn't show him being distracted but focusing only on his computer. The second 2 shots also show that people in younger years than sixth form also focus hard on what they are doing because he is reading a book with his head down so it looks like he interested in nothing else than that book. Then the last 3 photos  again make it look like the students concentrate on their work very hard but also do lots of good quality work. It also shows them enjoying what they are doing by the big smile on his face in the last picture.

The range in pictures also show how I took into consideration different ethnicities. We didn't only have caucasian people, we also had a boy from an Asian background. What I didn't do though was take many pictures of females. In this post all the pictures are male orientated but a photo I posted before was of a female. This makes me realize next time I have to take pictures for my next magazine cover and contents to get more pictures of females as well as males depending on what sort of magazine I am making.

I will post the final picture we chose shortly.

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