Friday 11 January 2013

Preliminary Task

For our preliminary task we have to work in pairs to design a front cover for a school magazine. Those of us who don't know how to use the software called 'InDesign' pair up with someone who does know how to use it. I have partnered with Lauren who will hopefully teach me how to do the basics. We have already decided the magazine will be called 'Mizzy Kidz'. The will hopefully be seen as more of a 'street' way of saying 'Misbourne Kids' and should hopefully appeal to the younger audience within the school. We have started using a font called 'Ravie'. This is because it looks much more informal and should again apeal to the younger audience but this isn't the final choice, we will have a look through some more fonts soon so that we have a choice of fun fonts to use. Right now we are trying to look at some current school magazines to analyse them so we have some good idea of how to make our own look!

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