Wednesday 30 January 2013


This is the final version of our school magazine front cover.

- The t shows the magazine is aimed at young people. This is because it is called 'Mizzy Kidz'. This would attract younger people more than adults because adults would want a much more formal name. Also it is in a very funky and informal font. This is also aimed more at younger people because older people would a much smarter title name. Finally it is in a bright blue color which would again attract a younger audience because they would find darker colors more boring and would make them less likely to want to read the magazine.

- The cover lines are all to do with a school and would suit the sorts of things students would want to read about in a school magazine. They are talking about what to wear in sixth form, what school clubs would suit students and revision tips. All the sorts of things that would be expected from a school magazine.

- The picture on the magazine cover shows a sixth former reading something in a working environment and clearly enjoying it.It also shows desks and chairs in the background and also you can sort of see some students in the background. All of these add to the idea that the school is filled with lots of hard working students. Exactly the sort of thing a school magazine would want to portray to any readers.

- The cover also has the schools address, contact number, email address and a bar code. These are a great thing to have on the bottom of a magazine because if any students needed any of this information it would be available very easily. It also makes the cover quite formal because it has got useful information before you have even opened it.

- The fact that this information is on a black background with a white line at the top also makes it more formal and more professional because its the sort of things proper professional magazines would include. It is also quite short and sweet and so all the required information is condensed into one place and doesnt take up too much space.

- The color of the cover lines are great because they are much more fun and interesting than using black and so would hopefully attract more readers as they feel it was aimed more at them that adults. The fonts are also good again because they suit younger people and not adults. We did keep to the same color in the masthead and cover lines which is good because it shows a constant theme.


- The thin black banner right at the top of the banner could have something like a headline or a price inside it so it doesn't look as empty. This would also be some great and interesting information to add to the front of the magazine to draw more readers to it.

- The picture shows the boy doesn't have his top button done up so to improve we could have taken another similar picture but with his top button done up as it would have made him look even smarter.

- Another improvement we could make would be to focus on one area of the school. The masthead and some of the cover lines are aimed at some younger years and yet the picture and other cover lines are aimed at sixth formers. We could have focused on one year by for example having a smarter masthead font and changed the name to suit an older audience such as sixth formers. We could have then changed some of the fonts used in the cover lines and also their color to suit the older students.

- Some of the colors of the cover lines clash a little with the background colors. They aren't un-readable but it may have been a good idea to spend some time on some of the colors so it is even clearer to read than it already is. It is mainly the red colors that are hardest to read so they are the ones that could possibly have been a more suitable color depending on the background.

- Finally the barcode at the bottom, although does look professional, especially on the black background may not be suitable for a school magazine. This is because they are normally free for anyone to pick up, and if they do cost money the buyer normally just gives change and there is no need to use a scanner to sell it, as most schools wouldn't have the equipment such as a till and scanner a barcode may be a bit pointless but none the less it does make it look more professional.

Any other feedback on the cover would be greatly appreciated!!

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