Friday 8 March 2013

Draft & Evaluation

This is the draft I have made for my final Product. I like the title of the draft because although it is just a white font the purple glow underneath it adds some colour and variation to it, it also makes it look much more interesting and eye catching. I have then carried on using purple on the cover and I have used the same colour in some or parts of the cover lines. This is so I can carry on with the same theme in other place on the cover so again it looks more interesting than just the grey background and the white title and black texts. I think the main picture is a good picture because there is direct mode of address, she takes up a lot of the space and people would catch peoples attention. The smaller pictures are also good because they show other aspects to the musician and how she can play other instruments, this then links to the cover line about new tallent and how lots of people are very tallented. 

Some of the features I may change when I make my final product would be I would try to have a much more interesting background as it makes the cover look a bit boring. I may also try to make a cover with just one big picture on the front that takes up even more space and then try to place text around that and see what it looked like. This may look more professional than having one picture in the middle and then two around it. I will also add some banners at the top or bottom of the final product so I can carry this on throughout the magazine and keep it as a house style, this also makes it look more professional. I will also be adding small features such as a barcode, Facebook and Twitter logos, price and other small little things that again make it look more professional. Finally I think I would try and use more interesting colours than a grey-ish background and perhaps try and edit a picture to have a better background or to have one feature that really stands out with a bright colour for example.

"I think that possibly the title could be a little bigger and streched down to make more of a statment headline. Another thing you could look at is maybe a line at the top, bottom or under the title which you could carry through to the other pages which would make the magazine seem like it all links together well. I really like the pink drop shadow on the title as it cathes your eye well, and I also love the photographs that you have taken as they are really good unusual and interesting angles".

Mock Up 1

This is the first mock I have made. It just shows a very basic layout idea of where different elements of the page will go. This is the first of 3.

"The good parts of this mock up are the positioning of the main image, the title and the barcode. However, the straplines and the small images should be on seperate sides of the page and maybe you could include a banner."

Monday 4 March 2013

Mock Up 2

This is the second mock up I have made for my final product.